Klaassesweg 26 - Zeewind - Chaumière

Klaassesweg 26 - Zeewind - 1 Klaassesweg 26 - Zeewind (March 2021) - #2Klaassesweg 26 - Zeewind (March 2021) - #3Klaassesweg 26 - Zeewind (March 2021) - #4Klaassesweg 26 - Zeewind (March 2021) - #5Klaassesweg 26 - Zeewind (March 2021) - #6Klaassesweg 26 - Zeewind (March 2021) - #7

Stone bungalow, furnished for 4 people with a garden and terrace at the front and a large screened terrace at the rear. The bungalow is furnished as follows: living room, kitchen with microwave, 2 bedrooms, shower and toilet. Central heating.

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Pour information et la réservation

Saskia Koppejan
Klaassesweg 26, Groot Valkenisse
tel. +31 118 561 333 
mail. E-mail
web. Website