Kompas - Cottage

Kompas - 1 Kompas (March 2021) - #2Kompas (March 2021) - #3Kompas (March 2021) - #4Kompas (March 2021) - #5Kompas (March 2021) - #6Kompas (March 2021) - #7Kompas (March 2021) - #8Kompas (March 2021) - #9Kompas (March 2021) - #10Kompas (March 2021) - #11Kompas (March 2021) - #12

The distribution is as follows: living room, kitchenette, shower and toilet and 2 bedrooms. The 2nd has a bunk bed. 1 bedroom has a double bed. The apartment is heated with a gas stove. It is also equipped with a TV, microwave, dishwasher and WiFi.

Prijzen en beschikbaarheidCheck current prices here

For information and reservation

Saskia Koppejan
Duinweg 119-3, Zoutelande
tel. +31 118 561 333 
mail. E-mail
web. Website